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Spring Book Club 2022    

As you implement, grow, and improve your RTI model, you want to learn from reliable experts in the field.  That is the point of a Book Club!  This spring we will dive into 10 Success Factors for Literacy Interventions:  Getting Results with MTSS in Elementary Schools by Susan L. Hall.  Dr. Hall will take us on journey full of practical advice and tips for a reading lab that you will be proud of while improving the reading outcomes for students.  

Join our Book Club, print out the reading guide, purchase the book, and jump in.  We will start the conversation in a private Facebook group and meet live three times during Zoom as we learn and grow together.  

More information will follow soon.  Can't wait to see you there!


Join the Spring Book Club

10 Success Factors for Literacy Intervention... by Susan L. Hall

"Why aren't more schools seeing significant improvement in students' reading ability when they implement Response to Intervention (RTI) or Multitiered Systems of Support (MTSS) in their literacy programs? These frameworks serve as a way for educators to identify struggling readers and provide the small-group instruction they need to improve their skills. But the success stories are too few in number, and most schools have too little to show for their efforts. What accounts for the difference? What are successful schools doing that sets them apart?" - Amazon 

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